Progressive Procurement

What do we do?

With a large network at our disposal and our base in Rotorua, ARC is utilising our professional expertise to work with Pakihi Māori in their rohe (area) to raise awareness of government procurement opportunities, develop capability, and empower Māori businesses to successfully navigate and engage in government procurement processes.

ARC are currently one of twenty local intermediary connect providers around the country to promote pakihi Māori as part of the Progressive Procurement kaupapa, which is being led by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.

NZ Governments Goal

Increasing Pakihi Māori access to Government Contract Opportunities

The NZ Government spends $51.5 billion per year on procurement of goods and services.
A committment of 5% of the total no. of annual procurement contracts to be awarded to Māori businesses.
Progressive Procurement initiative received a further $26 million investment over the next two years.

Access Our Services

Currently we offer three different services – progressive procurement, paid procurement, and supplier diversity. Progressive procurement is focused on supporting Māori organisations to match with and navigate the government procurement process on GETS. Paid procurement is for anyone wanting support to navigate any commercial tendering process. Our supplier diversity service supports organisations to embed equitable procurement policy and process.

Free For Pakihi Māori

Our Procurement Support Service is designed to help pakihi Māori to take advantage of Central Government tendering opportunities.

This is a free service paid for by Te Puni Kokiri under the Te Kupenga Hao Pāuaua program in partnership with MBIE. We are the appointed intermediary for the Rotorua area and act as matchmakers – we match pakihi Māori with government opportunities. Our services include engagement, support to build your library, and support through the live tendering process.

The online membership component will be available soon. Please book a consultation if you want to take advantage of this service now.


Every organisation has the opportunity to embed conscious buying practices that support minority groups but it starts at the top. We are here to help you develop and implement a Supplier Diversity Policy.

This part of our service goes beyond matchmaking and instead deals with internal processes and policies to ensure staff have the tools to combat issues, such as unconscious bias, when looking to engage suppliers.

Frequently asked questions

What is Procurement?

Every part of purchasing and providing products, services, and works. It begins with identifying the requirement and ends with the conclusion of a service contract or the end of the useful life and disposal of an asset.

What is Progressive Procurement?

Progressive procurement, often known as social procurement, is a strategic approach to achieving social and economic goals through procurement. In addition to the supply of efficient goods, services, and works, progressive procurement entails using procurement methods and purchasing power to generate positive social and economic outcomes.

How much does procurement support cost?

Te Puni Kokiri funds our procurement support for Maori organisations. However, we can still assist non-maori organisations with the procurement process for a fixed-fee depending on requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements. 

How can we support your organisation?

By preparing your business to be procurement ready including making recommendations to develop business capabilities, reviewing past industry specific tenders, looking for tender opportunities and more. Our procurement support service is intended to help organisations take advantage of local and national Government tendering opportunities, allowing them to generate additional revenue.

What is Supplier Diversity?

According to Supply Nation (Australia), Supplier Diversity promotes the purchase of goods and services supplied by economically excluded and marginalized groups by the world’s largest buyers, including corporations and governments.

Book a Consultation! Your initial consultation is completely free.