You have questions. wE have answers.

If you have any additional questions or queries regarding our company or the value we can provide to your organisation please contact us for further information.

Why should I use Awhi Ropu Consultants?

If you’re looking for a consulting company that will take the time to understand the needs of your organisation before making recommendations, then look no further! Our consultants are passionate, trustworthy and ready to support your organisation to grow and thrive. We’re proud to offer our clients a personalised bespoke service you can rely on. Plus, we’ll always be on hand to support you as your organisation evolves.

What type of services do you provide?

We offer business, compliance, and financial services that protect and enhance our clients’ interests. Our team is dedicated to building capability within our clients’ organisations so they can achieve their goals.

What type of industries do you work with?

Our company has a vast amount of experience working with different types of entities in a variety of industries. We specialise in supporting Māori organisations to grow and thrive.

What size orgnaisations do you work with?

Our clientele range in size from 1 to 100 employees and are made up of start-ups to multi-million dollar corporations, trusts, and more. No matter the size of your organisation, we can provide tailored support you need to succeed.

What can I expect from the initial consultation?

If you are interested in becoming a client of our company, you will first meet with one of our consultants. This initial consultation is designed to give us a better understanding of who you are and what your organisational needs are. We want to be completely transparent with you about who we are and how we could potentially help your business. We encourage open dialogue so that we can determine the best way to move forward.

How much do you charge for your services?

We strongly believe in providing value to each of our clients and being transparent about what they can expect to receive. We always provide a cost proposal estimate after your free initial consultation so that our clients know exactly what they are getting into. Surprises aren’t always fun, so we make sure to keep an open dialogue with our clients to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

What is the one thing I can do right now to improve my business?

Creating a thriving business requires paying attention to many different aspects. Our Business Health Assessment Tool can help you identify areas where your business may need improvement so that you can make the necessary changes for continued success.

Book a Consultation! Your first initial consultation is completely free.